Bluetooth headphones are used primarily for listening to music. Most people use it because of their profession such as being a reporter, disc jockey and so on. It can be used as a means of communication between individuals. It allows people to communicate in a cord-free way as it is convenient for most people to receive phone calls. If you want to buy a Bluetooth headset in Canada, you can read Reviews about Skullcandy and other companies that sell headphones to know the best among them to patronize.
Bluetooth headphones have made wireless technology a distributed benefit amongst people but even though Bluetooth headphones are commonly used they also have the disadvantages they can inflict on users.
Here are some of the drawbacks caused by Bluetooth headphones;
• Excessive use of Bluetooth headphones can cause ear infections: Constant use of Bluetooth headphones can increase infections in the ear. Bacteria present in the headphone find their way to the ear, exposing the headphone users to a serious ear infection.
• Use of Bluetooth headphones can cause pain in the ear: Using the headphones for a long time can inflict pain on the inner parts of the ear, which can spread to even cause soreness around the ear.
• Bluetooth headphones can cause loss of hearing: Loud music coming from the Bluetooth headphones are powerful as they can cause gradual deafness leading to temporary deafness, if it is not properly used it can cause permanent deafness.
• Bluetooth headphones can hurt the brain: The auditory nerves which are responsible for transmitting sound waves to the brain can experience damage through the high level of noise coming from the headphone.
Other disadvantages are dizziness, an excessive amount of wax in the ear, and tinnitus which occurs as a result of electrical noise.
The advantages of using Bluetooth headphones are as follows;
• Bluetooth headphones allow its users to enjoy the wireless technology as users do not need to worry about taking connecting cords or wires along with them.
• Bluetooth headphones consume less energy: Bluetooth headphones just require little energy to work as it uses less battery or electrical power. It is of great advantage to mobile phone users as their devices can last longer with the battery life intact and not unnecessarily drained.
• Bluetooth headphones are automatically operated: While mobile phone users are making use of the headphone, they do not need to touch their phone as they can perform most of their phone tasks where the in-ear which is an important part of the Bluetooth headphone.
• Bluetooth headphones are reliable and versatile: Most devices are being manufactured and designed in such a way that they can work with Bluetooth devices. Bluetooth headphones are reliable, and they can work anywhere and anytime it is needed.
Tips on how to use the Bluetooth headphone
• Avoid using headphones when working on busy roads as they can make you get carried away and on our way of happenings in your surroundings.
• Control the volume of the Bluetooth headphone: As discussed earlier, loud music from headphones can cause partial deafness which can result in loss of hearing. Heep the volume low when in use.
• Try to clean your Bluetooth headphones: This is to get rid of bacteria that pile up and ruin your headphones. Your sweat and skin cells can cause bacteria to enter your headphones. You can clean them by applying sanitizers.
• Wear them properly: It is weird how many people wear their headphones wrongly. Firstly, differentiate the left from the right by the L & R indication on both sides of the headphone and place the headband above the middle of your head. Try as much as possible to make your headphones fit you properly as it helps you to enjoy music while being aware of your environment.