Beyond calling and texting, your smartphone can come through for you in life-threatening situations but a lot of people don’t know this. In most emergency cases, your smartphone can be a survival tool in many instances; you don’t have to perish.
If you are looking to buy a smartphone on which you can install apps or utilize as survival tool, then you should consider patronizing Mytrendphone. However, you should first read reviews about the company on NorskeAnmeldelser to know what other Norwegians are saying about the company’s reliability and quality of their products before you patronize them. Here are some of the ways your phone can act as a survival tool:
Offer basic first aid
A lot of people are not conversant with first aid tips. Accidents can happen anytime, to you or anyone, far away from help. But all thanks to the smartphone, you can download comprehensive and readily available first aid apps that provide detailed instructions alongside videos for treating emergency cases. Some apps mimic being a doctor. Although an actual visit to the doctor should be the ultimate when it comes to health issues, such opportunities are not available in the midst of an emergency. Instead, there are medical care apps that can quickly and freely offer that service.
Identify edible plants
Although the chances of getting stuck in a place where you are forced to eat plants to survive are slim in modern societies, anything can happen and you have to be on the lookout for your survival. Your phone can help you identify between edible and medicinal plants. Some apps help you make an accurate distinction between the two. Besides, in accidents of insect bites, a medicinal plant can be a lifesaver. For instance, some plants are antidotes to the snake poison.
Helps you find shelter
Due to weather conditions or other circumstances, you may be stranded in a place and need shelter. Your smartphone can point out close by shelters for you. If you are in danger and you need a place to hide, these shelter-finding apps can come through for you as well. However, it’s advised that you try as much as possible not to wander off into uncharted territories or get into trouble. Not every place is internet-friendly.
Helps you to handle a car crash
Car accidents can happen in the most unlikely of places sometimes, with no help available in the environment. For instance, you would be stranded if you had a car crash on a road trip and you’re the only driver within sight with no knowledge of how to handle a car crash. It could be risky and dangerous. However, you don’t have to be stuck if you have your smartphone with you. Some apps can correctly assess the situation, send a relevant report and provide you the resources to deal with it effectively.
Locate your loved ones
GPS tracking can be used for ensuring the safety of your ones and locating them in case of dire situations. As such, this helps you to quickly find out if they are in emergencies and get them to help quickly. You can download apps that provide you up-to-date information on how to handle different kinds of emergencies so that you’ll know how to keep yourself and others safe.